how it works

  • We handle the rental management of your car and share the profits with you based on a percentage.
  • Our services include scheduling rentals, maintenance, pick-up and drop-off, and more.
  • We'll take care of everything and pay you monthly!

Simple & efficient.

Your Car Pays for Itself

With our management, your car will not only cover its own payments but also provide you with extra income!

Guaranteed Earnings

Monthly Reports

Monthly reports are generated to show you exactly how much revenue your car has brought in, making it easy to track!

Automated Process

Sit back and relax while we handle all the hard work and stress of managing your cars. We've mastered the car management process and have our own detail shop and parking spots for your vehicle.

What our clients say

"This is a fantastic idea. I'm now in my third month with Utah Auto Adventures and I've loved earning extra income with my car. I even bought a BMW specifically for this program. So far, I haven't missed a single payment, and I've had extra income each month to reinvest back into it!"

Alex J.

"This was a no-brainer for me. It's like having a property management company, but for renting out my car. They handle everything—from scheduling appointments to delivering the car to renters. All I do is earn extra income from my car without any hassle of managing it myself. I absolutely love it!"

Dana B.

"The experience has been wonderful. I admit I was initially skeptical, but once I began, the efficiency and promptness in listing my car boosted my confidence right from the start. It's amazing to realize that as individual car owners, we can generate passive income from this opportunity!"

Michael T.